
Sensex crosses 30,000 mark

 Sensex crosses 30,000 mark

The Sensex and Nifty surpassed their all-time high mark. Nifty crossed 9,337.1, followed by the Sensex which broke its all-time high mark of 30,181. The Sensex is now up 238.94 points at 30172.19, while the Nifty is up 65.75 points at 9382.60. The market breadth was healthy as 1,390 shares advanced against a decline of 597 shares, while 90 shares were unchanged. The market opened with a bang. The market is getting strong support from mid and small cap stocks. The BSE Mid-Cap index is trading at 0.73% and the Smallcap Index is at 0.64%. BSE's oil and gas index is trading with a gain of 0.70%.

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