
Petrol pumps to remain closed on Sunday

Petrol pumps to remain closed on Sunday

The petrol diesel owners have stopped buying fuel from Wednesday to protest against the oil companies for not implementing the recommendations of Apoorva Chandra committee. They have now warned of keeping the pumps closed on Sunday. This may create fuel shortage and may cause inconvenience to common people.

Petrol pump owners have started following up their demand for implementation of Apoorva Chandra committee. The shortage of petrol may be felt from May 14 as pumps reportedly have enough fuel till then. The Petrol Dealers Association has decided to keep pumps open from 9 am to 6 pm from May 15.

The Apoorva Chandra Committee was formed in the year 2010 and it had made some recommendations beneficial for petrol pump owners. The committee report was accepted by the government in 2012 but oil companies have not started implementing the recommendations of this committee. It had provoked the pump owners to stage agitation on October 1 and 2, 2012. This had forced the oil companies to increase the profit of pumps by a slight margin. In September 2013, Petroleum Ministry had directed the oil companies to implemented committee recommendations but this order was neglected.

There are 4,700 petrol pumps in the state and 223 in Mumbai. If these pumps remain closed then common people have to face inconvenience on Sunday.

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