The Bombay High Court granted bail to Arman Khatri who was accused of abetting his batchmate Darshan Solanki's suicide on May 10. While granting him bail, the HC stated that it did not find any evidence of caste-based discrimination and harassment against him.
The court also observed that it did not find any evidence of abetment to suicide against Khatri.
Darshan Solanki suicide
In February, Darshan Solanki committed suicide in IIT Bombay. Initially, the case was being probed by Powai Police and later it was transferred to the Special Investigation Team. The same team found the suicide note in which Arman Khatri’s name was mentioned.
Later, Arman was taken into custody. Khatri was booked under SC/ST Act for allegedly discriminating against Darshan over his caste.
On May 6, accused Arman Khatri secured bail in a special court for SC/ST. On surety of INR 25,000 provisional cash bond, the court granted him bail.