Mumbai police's cybercell department have started an investigation after a 71-year-old doctor from Mahim who worked at a reputable city hospital was defrauded of INR 20.38 lakh by a cyber fraud gang. The gang used the names of the RBI Governor and the
Maharashtra Chief Minister's Officer on Special Duty (OSD) among other people. Officials from the Central Cyber Police Station filed a formal complaint on Friday, August 2, and are currently investigating the perpetrators.
The elderly victim first received an unexpected WhatsApp call from an unknown number on June 3, according to multiple media reports. The caller posed as an executive from the telecom department. On this call he informed the complainant that his cellphone number was being used illegally and that service will be cut off within the hour.
In an attempt to assist the elderly man, the said individual diverted the call to Delhi Police when the elderly man asked him not to cancel service on his mobile number because he is not engaged in any unlawful activity. "The officer" from the Delhi Police urged the complainant to speak with the CBI officer, stating that a significant case had been filed against him. Shortly after, a "CBI officer" donning a police outfit made a video call to the complainant.
The "CBI officer" informed the complainant that his mobile number was connected to the identity theft, drug trafficking, and money laundering cases involving Sandeep Kumar. According to the FIR, the officer threatened to arrest the doctor in this situation.
The "CBI officer" also forwarded the complaining doctor's Confidentiality Agreement and CBI letterhead to his WhatsApp number, backing his account. These documents bore the signatures of George Mathew, Balsing Rajput, Nitin Patil, Sunil Kumar Gautam, an IPS official, and Shaktikanta Das, an IAS officer. The FIR further stated that these were acknowledged in letters to the victim's doctor by the CBI, New Delhi Crime Branch, and Financial Department.
Shaktikanta Das is the RBI Governor at the moment, Patil is a
Mumbai police officer, Rajput is an SP-rank officer and the OSD to the Maharashtra Chief Minister, and Gautam is a senior IPS official.
The accused threatened to arrest the senior citizen and then informed him that he would need to send money to a specified bank account for verification, but that the money would be returned after the process was completed. The terrified doctor deposited INR 23 lakh into the designated bank account. However, the accused discovered he was being duped when he enquired about the amount of money his wife had in her bank account, said police official on condition of anonymity.
He dialed the number 1930 for the cyber helpline after consulting with a few acquaintances. When the doctor contacted, the cops were only able to save 2.61 lakh. Later on, the complainant filed a complaint with the police after providing them with all the information. In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Information Technology Act and the Indian Penal Code, the central cyber police have filed a formal complaint (FIR) for identity theft, forgery, extortion, cheating, impersonation using computer equipment, and extortion.