One of Mumbai’s most experienced housebreakers has been arrested by the Kalachowki police in Parel. The accused Raees Shaikh (34) is renowned for breaking locks in less than five seconds. More than 35 charges have been filed against him.
A police officer told Mid Day that the accused's modus operandi involves doing a recce of the area between midnight and 1:00 am and then breaking in between 3:00 am and 4:00 am, the officer added.
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On February 8, the locks of eight apartments in various societies were found smashed in Abhyudaya Nagar in Parel, according to police officials. Around INR 10,000 in cash is said to have been stolen from the homes overall. The police found that Shaikh had been arrested in 2018, and his style of housebreaking was similar to that of the perpetrator, on checking his earlier records.
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On Monday, Shaikh was arrested at his Malwani residence. An official told Mid day that he was arrested under Section 380 (theft in dwelling house) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).