Matunga police have arrested the Yes Bank's Deputy Manager from its Thane branch for helping cybercriminals to extort money through fraudulently opened bank accounts. Pragati Atul Kshirsagar (27), is the sixth person arrested in connection with the cyber fraud of a senior citizen in King Circle.
The matter first came to light in April when the complainant lodged an FIR against unknown people in a fraud case as per the FPJ report. According to the FIR, the accused pretended to be SBI bank officials to dupe the victim. During investigations by the Matunga police, they noticed that the bank accounts into which the fraudsters transferred the money belonged to ordinary people, who had no idea what their accounts were being used for. This prompted them to verify the authenticity of the bank accounts.
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Last week, the police arrested five people in this case. During the investigation, the police learned how these accounts were created using the personal details of others. Suspects revealed the involvement of Pragati, who was working as a Deputy Manager in Yes Bank's Thane branch.
According to the police report, Pragati was pressured to open 70 salary accounts every month like her colleagues. After failing to meet this target for two consecutive months, she is accused of creating fraudulent bank accounts in connivance with Amin and Rahim. They struck a deal where Pragati got a share of the proceeds for her help.
Pragati was produced in the Kurla court on Tuesday and remanded in police custody for further investigation. Authorities have identified six bank accounts she created and used by other suspects. Police suspect that there are more such accounts and further investigation will be done to determine their involvement in cyber crime.