Kandivali – The Smt Saroja Devi Adarsh School in Bhabrekar Nagar, Kandivali to be demolished as it falls under the SRA scheme. The school has allegedly been built on an unauthorised plot. The school comprises 1,000 students. There are 25 teachers and 5 non-academic staff. Saint Ramkumar Shambhu Ram Chaurasia education trust runs the school. The school is 25 years old and it’s a government aided school. Now the court has ordered the school to be demolished, due to which the students are now being taught in an open place in the adjoining temple premises. Builders too are taking keen interest in the plot, it is learnt. Students and parents’ earnest efforts avoided the demolition drive for a long time, but during the Diwali vacation, the school went under the bulldozer, under supervision by the police and district collector's office.