One of the most prominent Ganpati mandals of Mumbai, Lalbaugcha Raja's Visarjan was completed 21 hours after it left the pandal. Amidst celebrations, the Lord Ganesha idol left for Girgaon Chowpatty at 11:00 pm on Thursday, September 12 and was finally immersed at the site at 8:30 am on Friday, September 13. Ganpati Bappa was bid farewell amidst the chants of 'Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Ya'.
The devotees had participated in the procession and had dressed in a traditional attire during the Visarjan. Similar to the previous year's procession, the Ganpati idol made stops at several locations where people would worship the idols and offer prasad to the devotees. Meanwhile, as Lalbaugcha Raja passed through the streets, the devotees showered the idol with flowers.
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The Ganpati Bappa reached Girgaon Chowpatty on Thursday night. After which, the surroundings got very crowded as people tried to catch the last glimpse of their beloved deity. A special lift-like vehicle had been arranged for Bappa's Visarjan.