
Can SPPL ensure housing for city's poor?

Can SPPL ensure housing for city's poor?

Mumbai - The Shivsahi Punarvasan Prakalp Limited (SPPL) was formed to ensure affordable housing for the city's poor, but its noble intentions appear to have come to nought.
This slum dwellers' rehabilitation scheme has not been working as per the plans chalked out until now, with only six builders having subscribed to the scheme. The houses are priced at Rs 60-70 lakh, placing them out of reach of the poor. The SPPL now proposes to float new tenders to entice more builders to the scheme. Demonetisation has dealt a body blow to real estate prices in the metropolis. Sources say that SPPL now hopes that people can buy houses at affordable rates. The state government had enlisted the SPPL's help in making housing available for the poor in the city, but the objective is far from being fulfilled.

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