
Man sculpts the motherhood


CST- A mother-baby relation is a sacred one. Mother plays many roles right from feeding her baby to taking care of her. This very expression and sacred love have been captured by internationally acclaimed sculptor Vikrant Manjrekar who has made these sculpts based on the mother-baby relationship. “I have made these sculptures by using bronze and marble. It takes two months to carve marble sculptures and same is required for the bronze. It is a long process which includes clay modelling, POP, fibre, furnace and then finishing. In this exhibition, I have tried depicting moments of womanhood especially from pregnancy till the delivery of a baby and post-delivery,” said Vikrant Manjrekar, sculptor.
Art lovers will get to see these unique and beautiful sculptures at Jehangir Art gallery from 24th January to 30th January. This exhibition was inaugurated by executive editor Swapnil Sawarkar and consultant art director Pradeep Mhapsekar. “I knew Vikrant from college days, and I am very proud of him. The theme he has chosen is mind blowing. The best sculptor I loved was where he has depicted a woman who has a baby in her womb, which we can take in our hands. He has made very thoughtful sculptures. I loved it,” said Pradeep Mhapsekar, consultant art director

- Vikrant Manjrekar’s uncle Vasudev Manjrekar was a well-known sculptor.
- He had planned for engineering but his uncle honed his art and made him a sculptor.
- This is his 9th solo exhibition and has done several group exhibitions.

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