In a recent incident, Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) politician Prasar Lad's car met with an accident on the Mumbai Pune expressway. As per reports, the incident occurred on Friday, August 14, 2020, near the toll booth, one kilometre ahead of the Kamshet tunnel.
Though the car was damaged severely, Prasad Lad was not injured. He took to Twitter to share the information and thanked everyone for the concerns raised. He also thanked the lord and stated that he was safe and there was nothing to worry.
अपघात झाला हि बातमी जरी खरी असली तरी, श्री सिद्धिविनायकाच्या कृपेने मी सुखरूप आहे , आपण सर्वजण काळजी करू नका !
— Prasad Lad (@PrasadLadInd) August 14, 2020
आपल्या सर्वांचा मनापासून आभारी आहे !!!
- आ प्रसाद लाड@BJP4Maharashtra @bjp4mumbai @BJP4India
As per reports, the BJP MLA was on his way to Ahmednagar to attend some party activities. The accident happened as the car was planning an overtake on the highway, and due to the incident, the left side of the vehicle was damaged completely.
He also shared the video on social media and confirmed that everybody else was safe too. He was accompanied by some police officers, personal assistant, and the driver. Lad confirmed that it was a big accident, but they weren't injured and he was already on his way to Ahmednagar, the same day.