Newly elected Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray held his first press conference as the Chief Minister and made a historic announcement. He has put a stay on the construction work of Metro 3 (Colaba-Bandra-Seepz) car shed at Aarey.
The construction work of the car shed at Aarey should be stopped but elsewhere the Metro construction will continue. I'm not against the development but there can be no development at the cost of the people. I'll ensure that no one even touches a single leaf at Aarey.
Also Read: Five Critical Things Uddhav Thackeray-Led Government Will Have To Focus On
In a respite for Aarey activists, founder of Let India Breathe, Yash Marwah said,
I see exciting times ahead for the environmental movements in Mumbai and Maharashtra. Hope the greater good of the future of our cities and villages prevails.
Aarey activist and founder of Muse Foundation Nishant Bangera added by saying,
It's definitely a welcome step. However, we hope to see this in action. The government must ask the MMRCL to move out the car shed.
However, some activists are happy about the decision but for them, the ultimate victory will be only once the car shed is completely moved out of Aarey and Aarey is declared as a forest.
Also Read: Uddhav Thackeray Oath-Taking : 100 Aarey Activists To Attend The Ceremony