
Unique donation drive by Swarajya Foundation on

Unique donation drive by Swarajya Foundation on

Kalachauki – Swarajya Foundation has organized a unique programme titled ‘Manuskichi Bhint’ here under which people are appealed to donate waste materials from their houses. The drive will be held from 15th November to 30th November. The drive was launched here at the hands of senior citizens at Building No. 5 in front of Lalit Kala Bhavan in Abhyudaya Nagar. Under this drive, a wall is being nailed where citizens can hang their wasted material including old clothes, footwear, pots etc. This collected material will be distributed to the needy people and the entire process will be kept in record. A person will be given two things as per his/her needs. Swarajya Foundation’s Uday Pawar has appealed people to generously donate their waste materials.

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