While playing cricket for India and Mumbai at the Wankhede Stadium, Sachin Tendulkar has played more than one memorable innings. A full-length statue of Sachin Tendulkar will be unveiled on Wednesday, November 1, which is being erected with the aim of inspiring new players from this record-breaking great player.
The statue will be unveiled by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in the 'MCA' lounge of the Wankhede Stadium. Secretary Jai Shah, Treasurer Ashish Shelar, Board of Control for Cricket in India will be present for this ceremony. Masterblaster Sachin Tendulkar himself will be present for this ceremony.
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"The relationship between Sachin and Wankhede is controversial. He has scored a lot of runs at this stadium. India lifted the World Cup at this place in 2011. So, what better place for Sachin's statue", said Mumbai Cricket Association President Amol Kale.