On April 24, Bombay high court had paved the way for demolition of the dilapidated Carnac Bunder Bridge disposing a petition that sought to stop the demolition of the structure. Likewise, 145-year-old Carnac Bridge, that was declared dangerous, was demolished by the railways. The BMC had paid the Central Railway ₹2.6 crore to demolish both Carnac Bunder bridge and Hancock bridge.
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Due to the demolition of the Carnac Bunder bridge that connected Mohammad Ali Road to P D'mello Road, people are now finding it difficult to go from one side to the other. Meanwhile, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had appointed TPF Engineering Private Ltd, as a technical consultant, to prepare Carnac Bridge’s draft and IIT-B has been appointed to review this plan. IIT will be given ₹15 lakh for the same.
150-metre long and 26.5 wide Carnac Bridge will be built in five spans where it will be built with a steel girder, prestressed concrete girder (PSC) and RCC bridge deck slabs.