
Maharashtra: Statewide Strike of Mathadi Workers - Here's All You Need To Know

The Mathadi employees are hoping that their strike will get the state's response and prompt them to address the issues Mathadi employees are facing.

Maharashtra: Statewide Strike of Mathadi Workers - Here's All You Need To Know

Mathadis, the backbone of the supply chain of critical commodities in Maharashtra, went on a one-day strike on February 1. It mainly aims to draw the government's attention to the issues Mathadi employees are facing.

Who are Mathadis?

A Mathadi, as defined by the Maharashtra Hamal, Mathadi and Other Unprotected Workers (Regulation of Employment and Welfare) Act 1969, is a person carrying a load of material on their back or head. These hardworking individuals perform tasks such as loading, unloading, stacking, hauling, and weighing, and are considered the backbone of the supply chain of critical commodities. In Maharashtra, Mathadis are organised under a welfare board, and there are 34 Mathadi boards in the state. Of these, 11 are located in Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, and Palghar.

Why are they on strike?

Mathadi employees feel that the government is neglecting their needs while focusing on major projects like the Metro and new motorways. The Mathadi boards were disbanded and not reconstituted, leaving Mathadi employees without representation or a voice to address their problems. This has resulted in Mathadi employees feeling frustrated and unheard, leading them to go on strike.

Impact of the strike:

The strike was expected to have a significant impact on the delivery of critical commodities, with Mumbai's APMC markets for fruits, vegetables, and other products being closed, along with markets in Pune, Nashik, Solapur, and Satara. Employees won't load and unload food to stop cars from entering the market, which will affect the supply of vegetables and other essential goods for at least two days. This will have a two-day impact on the availability of basic products, particularly vegetables. 

However, the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) had ruled out the impact on its functioning owing to this agitation.

Government's Reaction:

The Mathadi employees work in various departments, including marketing, co-ops, urban development, and revenue, but despite a letter being sent to the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, and the relevant departments, the State Government has failed to take any action.

According to Narendra Patil, the president of the Annasaheb Patil Economically Backward Development Corporation (APMC), the government's inaction has forced the Mathadi employees to resort to a strike.

Despite this, the government is yet to release an official statement regarding Mathadi employees' demands. The Mathadi employees are hoping that their strike will get the state's response and prompt them to address the issues Mathadi employees are facing.

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