Mumbai - Shiv Sena deputy leader and Shiv Vahatuk Sena president Arafat Haji Shaikh with all 65 vehicle owners and drivers met with Mumbai CP Datta Padsalgikar and requested him to cancel all contracts given to an outsider for towing of vehicles.
From last many years, Mumbai Traffic police department has sidelined the existing company and outsourced the private company named Vidarbha Infotech Private Limited, which is from outside Mumbai. Arafat Shaikh met Mumbai Police Commissioner Datta Padsalgikar and requested him to forfeit the contracts stating that the existing drivers and owners of the towing would lose their livelihood.
Mumbai traffic police department has appointed a private company, Vidarbha Infotech Private Limited to fulfil the need of towing vans. For the solution of the same, Arafat Haji Shaikh also met with the Maharashtra CM.