Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis’s wife Amruta Fadnavis has filed a complaint against a designer. Alleging threats and conspiracy, Amruta Fadnavis has filed a complaint with the Mumbai police against the designer named Aniksha and her father. She has also mentioned in the complaint that she tried to pay a bribe of INR 1 crore.
Amruta Fadnavis had filed a complaint at Malabar Hill Police Station on February 20. Accordingly, the police registered a case against Aniksha and her father under Section 120, Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, Section 8 and 12. The police told 'Indian Express' that the accused have not been arrested yet.
What is the case?
Amruta Fadnavis said in her complaint, “He and Aniksha met for the first time in November 2021. Aniksha said that she is a clothes and jewellery designer. She requested that the clothes and jewellery she designs be worn at public events. After that I met Aniksha at Sagar Bungalow and at various other events.”
“On January 27, 2023, I met Aniksha at an event in Pune. After the program Aniksha got in the car and said that her father was giving information about the bookies to the police. Accordingly, the police can earn money by giving action tips against bookies. Can also take money from bookies for not taking action. After saying this, Aniksha got down from the car," Amruta Fadnavis stated in the complaint.
“On February 16, around 9:30 pm, Aniksha called. She said that her father has been accused in a case and is ready to pay one crore rupees to get him out of it. As soon as I heard this, I disconnected the phone and blocked her number. Then on February 18, between 11:55 and 12:15 pm, I received 22 video clips, three voice notes on WhatsApp from an unknown number,” said Amruta Fadnavis.
“On February 19, 40 messages, videos, voice notes and screen shots were sent to employees' mobile numbers. We got information that this number belongs to Aniksha's father," said Amruta Fadnavis in the complaint.
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