
FYJC Admissions: Students Are Yet To Get Their Information Booklets

Students and their parents seeking FYJC admissions are getting anxious.

FYJC Admissions: Students Are Yet To Get Their Information Booklets

Following the publication of the results for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exams, students await the process for the First Year Junior College (FYJC) admissions. Now, with the admissions registration process underway, students are waiting to receive their information booklets, reports stated.

According to accounts, yearly the information booklets are issued for those seeking admission to FYJC. This is done to simplify the process. Moreover, the admission portal also provides details on cut-off scores of the merit lists of colleges from the earlier academic year.

In the second part of the form, pupils have to list their college preferences for admissions. Herein the cut-off marks from the earlier years are stated. Since both are presently not accessible, those students and their parents seeking FYJC admissions are getting anxious, narratives cited. 

It has been reported that the FJYC admission booklets are given to students by their schools which also conduct training sessions on the process to apply for the FYJC admissions by means of a centralized online system.

Based on reports, the Director of Education (Secondary) conducts the centralised online admission system for FJYC in MumbaiPuneNagpurAmravati and Nashik. While every city has a separate online admission portal, it caters to junior colleges situated there. 

The FYJC admission process this year had drawn flak since its mock round. While the registration commenced on May 30, Mahesh Palkar, Director of Education (Secondary) was quoted in accounts elaborating on how the process will soon permit candidates to fill the form's second part. He added that currently, they are working with the data from the state board.

Accounts claim that the online admissions system for FYJC sources data from students after which their marks are automatically put in the system.

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