While talking to the citizens regarding 2019 Lok Sabha polls, we asked them whether the so-called 'Modi wave' has carried forward to 2019. In 2014, the 'Modi wave' was all over mainstream media and it remains to be seen if we will see a repeat of 2014.
Some people firmly believed in the phenomenon that the Modi wave still exists and it's going to go a long way in the elections.
A resident of Goregaon said that he doesn't think that Modi wave will be able to make an impact in this election and even if they come to power, there won't be any significant change as all politicians are the same. He even believed that coalition of BJP-Shiv Sena will play a major role in the elections.
We spoke to many young voters in Dadar who believed that after his great marketing tactics, PM Modi will be winning even though personally, they would wish otherwise.