Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Tuesday morning said that his party will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi under the leadership of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) supremo Sharad Pawar to discuss the issue of farmers in Maharashtra who have been affected due to untimely rains.
Earlier on Monday, Shiv Sena staged a walkout from Lok Sabha while raising slogans: “We need justice for farmers”. Other opposition parties also joined Shiv Sena MPs in the protest.
The winter session of Parliament started on Monday and witnessed a huge uproar in Lok Sabha while Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed Rajya Sabha on the occasion of 250th session of the upper house.
While talking to the media, Sanjay Raut on Tuesday reiterated that Shiv Sena will form the government Maharashtra with the support of 170 MLAs.
Raut’s remarks come a day after his meeting with NCP chief Sharad Pawar on Monday evening.
On Monday, Sharad Pawar met Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi and held a meeting for 45 minutes to discuss the ongoing political situation in Maharashtra. Keeping his cards close, Pawar stated that they have not discussed an alliance with Shiv Sena.
Reacting to Pawar’s remarks, Raut said that the confusion is only among the media but “everything is clear between us”.
Also Read - Amid Maharashtra Deadlock, PM Narendra Modi Praises Sharad Pawar-Led NCP In Rajya Sabha
It will take generations to understand Sharad Pawar. The confusion is among the media. Everything is clear between us. Shiv Sena will form a stable and strong government in Maharashtra,” said Sanjay Raut.