Republican Party of India (RPI) chief and Minister of State (MoS), Ramdas Athawale, on Sunday said that everyone should wait for Supreme Court’s decision on the Ram Mandir issue. Athawale suggested that alongside the temple, a masjid can also be constructed.
The RPI chief also demanded to construct a Buddha Temple too at the disputed site saying that Buddhists had a strong presence across the country for almost 2,500 years.
Athawale further said that the Supreme Court will hear the Ram Mandir issue and it should also consider giving a thought regarding allocating land for the construction of Buddha Temple.
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The Social Justice Minister said that those demanding the construction of Ram Mandir should wait until January for the SC’s order on the matter and there shouldn't be any unauthorised construction of the temple.
Athawale informed that the construction of a Masjid, Buddha Temple, and Ram Mandir at the disputed site will be a symbol of national unity. Earlier in 2010, a bench of Allahabad High Court ordered that the disputed site spread across 2.77 acres should be distributed among three parties including Sunni Waqf Board, Nirmohi Akhara, and Ram Lalla.