On Wednesday, February 3, Commissioner Ramesh Pawar presented the budget of INR 2,945.78 crores for the financial year 2021-22 of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Education Department to Chairman Sandhya Doshi in the meeting of the Education Committee.
In this budget, a provision of INR 78.87 crores has allocated for providing digital education to the municipal school students, construction of virtual classrooms, digital classrooms, science curiosity building, the supply of 27 different types of school supplies to the students every year, etc.
Moreover, a provision of INR 2 crores has been allocated for 10 new CBSC board schools. In addition, ample funds have been provided for repairing dangerous school buildings, decentralization of authority and financial assistance to students who have passed the secondary school examinations.
Furthermore, the civic body has allotted INR 10 lakhs for setting up Model Music Center at NM Joshi Marg BMC School. The music will be played by composer Mayuresh Pai. On the other hand, the BMC launched 40 YouTube channels for online tutoring during the lockdown. These courses are taught in English, Hindi, Marathi and Urdu which has been viewed more than one lakh times.
Meanwhile, in view of the massive financial crisis due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, the BMC asserted to have spent only 48 per cent of its budget allocated in 2020-21 fiscal year on various development projects, however, several big-ticket projects such as waste to energy plant at Deonar, the Tansa cycling tracks, Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project (MSDP), Goregaon-Mulund Link Road (GMLR) are developing at snail's pace.