In a recent development, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested 10 accused in connection with the Punjab National Bank (PNB) scam. The arrested people have been accused of issuing fake documents. After being produced at a court, the accused were sent to police custody till December 21.
With the intention to use the evidence against the prime accused – Nirav Modi and Mukul Choksi - in PNB scam, the CBI is interrogating the 10 accused. Earlier on December 12, Interpol issues a red corner notice against Choksi for committing fraud.
Also Read - Two Businessmen Arrested For Not Filing GST Worth ₹626 Crore
Along with CBI, Maharashtra government has also become alert in catching Nirav Modi. Earlier, Enforcement Directorate (ED) registered a case under Prevention of Money Laundering Act against diamond trader Nirva Modi for committing a fraud of worth ₹14,000 crore in PNB scam.