Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's co-star Juhi Chawla played an integral role on Friday in aiding in the release of Khan's son, Aryan Khan from jail, highlighted accounts.
Chawla went to the sessions court to stand as surety for Aryan Khan and signed his bail bond of INR 1 lakh. This means that she will be held legally responsible if Aryan Khan isn't able to pay the money.
The said procedure is believed to be important for the court to send release papers to Arthur Road jail in Mumbai. Aryan Khan has spent nearly a month in jail. Post signing the documents, Chawla also took pictures with the staff at court.
According to reports, she elaborated on how the main fact is that Aryan will come back home which is a big relief. Chawla and Shah Rukh Khan have been co-stars in many movies. Along with this, they are also co-owners of the IPL franchise, Kolkata Knight Riders.
Aryan Khan was in jail after arrest post an NCB raid on drugs on cruise party on October 2. Based on accounts, an aggregate of 20 people were arrested. Khan was granted bail by the Bombay High Court on Thursday, following three days of hearing in the court.
Also Read: Here Are 7 Bail Conditions For Aryan Khan, Two Others