
Ustad Zakir Hussain passes away

He breathed his last at the age of 73

Ustad Zakir Hussain passes away

Well-known tabla player Zakir Hussain has passed away. He breathed his last at the age of 73. He is survived by his wife and two daughters. Zakir Hussain was admitted to a hospital in San Francisco. He was being treated and it was also known that his condition was serious. However, Zakir Hussain died during treatment.

Zakir Hussain was living in America for the past several years. He took tabla lessons from his father Allah Rakha Khan.

Who was Zakir Hussain?

Zakir Hussain was the son of well-known tabla player Allah Rakha Khan. Zakir Hussain has composed music for many Indian and foreign films.

He has also acted in the movie Saaz. Zakir Hussain started taking tabla lessons from the age of seven with his father Allah Rakha Khan. Also, from the age of 12, Zakir Hussain started performing tabla all over the country.

Former US President Barack Obama invited Zakir Hussain to the White House to participate in the All Star Global Concert held in 2016. Zakir Hussain became the first musician to perform at the White House

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