The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has announced that it will contest the Maharashtra Assembly elections on its own. Candidates will be fielded on all 36 seats in Mumbai. Party's Mumbai president Preeti Sharma Menon announced this in a press conference. Preeti Sharma said that the party has not yet decided on the remaining seats.
Calling BJP an anti-Maharashtra and anti-Mumbai party, she criticised Mumbai's infrastructure. “None of the 27 municipal corporations in Maharashtra, including the BMC in Mumbai, has a public representative. Housing remains an unresolved issue and slums are becoming increasingly unlivable. Even as important projects from the city are taken to Gujarat, builder-contractors have been taken away by the mafia,” she said.
The AAP city president also said that his party would continue to support INDIA alliance at the national level, even as the party decided to contest state assembly elections against constituent parties of the bloc.
“National alliance is different and state politics is different. While AAP will continue to support the INDIA alliance at the national level, it will contest assembly elections against Congress in Haryana and have decided to contest the upcoming assembly elections in Maharashtra alone in Mumbai.
However, the party still indicated to keep the options open, saying that if MVA leaders have any proposal for seat-sharing, AAP's central leadership will deliberate on it before taking a final decision.