Mumbai - Shiv Sena called off pact with BJP on Thursday. There was loads of rumour making rounds in regard with the alliance. Addressing at a meet Uddhav said, "I need all your strength. This is the strength of Shiv Sena. From now on, Shiv Sena will fight alone. Will not beg before anyone. We will not have any alliance with anyone for the BMC polls. The fight has begun. I have only one dream. We will hoist the saffron flag all over Maharashtra. It's now or never for us." BJP took to social platform and replied back. They released few posters, and the centrepiece of the poster was the common weapon of both the parties - 'Hindutva'. The posters read,
"Gundagiri is not our way of life, Hindutva is."
"We don't just blabber, we are committed to Hindutva."
"Hindutva is the merger of thoughts and actions, not child's play."
The common thread of 'Hindutva' that bound both parties together, has now snapped. Let's see if Shiv Sena will get the support or people will break their alliance from them, same goes for BJP.