Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray attended the Akhand Harinam week organised on the occasion of the silver jubilee year of Akhil Bhandup Warkari Sampradaya Mandal. On this occasion he visited the saints along with Vithumauli and participated in the aarti. Then he addressed the audience. At this time he said, "It's been 17, 18 days since the new year started, but my new year has started from today. This is my first program today. Here I hold the mic for the first time this year and it is with the blessings of all of you. The darshan of Panduranga marks the beginning of this new year.
Uddhav Thackeray remarked, "Whenever Hindutva or Hindu religion faced a crisis, the Shiv Sena chief stood firm. Balasaheb Thackeray was hailed as the emperor of Hindu hearts and was the first in the country to proudly declare, 'Garva se kaho Hindu hain.' Before him, my father and grandfather, Prabodhankar Thackeray, fought against undesirable customs and traditions in religion. But now, we are unsure of the direction religion is heading or who is leading it."
What exactly did Uddhav Thackeray say?
Uddhav Thackeray said, "In the meantime, something bad happened. I was misled that I had left Hinduism. But we are holding on to Hinduism. Can you believe that the son of Hindu heartthrobs and grandson of enlighteners can leave Hinduism? Politics should be done in the place of politics, but gaining power by abusing religion while doing politics is an equally big crime. We are Hindus, born as Hindus and will die as Hindus. Respecting each other, honoring the mother, and respecting each other seems to be going backwards now. It is sad to see the manner in which the government is being run. Although I don't want to bring politics here, I am raising an issue related to our life".