
Mumbai Gets Its First Two-Wheeler Simulator For License Applicants

The programme will ensure that 2-wheeler driving license candidates are well trained and have cleared the simulator test prior to securing their two-wheeler license.

Mumbai Gets Its First Two-Wheeler Simulator For License Applicants

Focused on bringing about positive social impact across sectors, United Way Mumbai joined forces with Regional Transport Office (RTO), Mumbai Central to install a 2-wheeler simulator training for license applicants on Friday, June 17, 2022. 

In a bid to make roads and road travel safe for riders and passengers, and to create more awareness about rules and regulations, the organization aims to impart professional training to at least 5,600 people. As a part of the initiative, it will station professional trainers at the RTO office, 5 days a week. The programme will ensure that 2-wheeler driving license candidates are well trained and have cleared the simulator test prior to securing their two-wheeler license.

Speaking about the initiative, George Aikara, CEO of United Way Mumbai says, “As per the road accident statistics in India, two-wheeler riders form 46 per cent of the fatalities, thus making them vulnerable road users. On the other side, there is a dearth of professional training facilities for two-wheeler riders in India. We are working to bridge this gap through a public-private partnership. In collaboration with the RTO Mumbai Central and with support from UPS, we will train all the applicants for a two-wheeler license in safe riding skills. With the use of the two-wheeler simulator, our intent is to make this training more engaging and comprehensive for the participants. We have been providing similar training at Andheri RTO. There is scope for making such formal training part and parcel of the license issuance system across India. We hope to collaborate with more RTO offices to replicate this initiative.” 

Bharat Kalaskar, Regional Transport Officer said, “The Road crash data analysis done in 2021 stated that 350 people who lost their lives in road crashes in Mumbai, out of which 166 were 2 wheelers, others are 4 wheelers and other road users. This means 50 per cent are two-wheelers and pedestrians. We need to concentrate on 2 wheelers, especially on pillions, there we have made the wearing of helmet compulsory for them.”

Jitendra Patil, Joint Transport Commissioner said, “We have taken a step ahead in the field of road safety with this initiative. This model will be replicated in all the other RTO of the city.” He added, “The name of this program is 2 wheels 1 life, but I would say it is 2 wheels and many lives, as it will save many lives on the road”.

Avinash Dhakane, Transport Commissioner said, “We have given two 4-wheeler simulators so that they can be used by the licence applicants. It is a great collaboration initiative that we have started as we have made helmets compulsory for the pillion riders in the state of Maharashtra from 9 June. This training will surely help to inform the common people regarding the rules and regulations and the importance of following them.”

The two-wheeler simulator technology will assist in higher training for the participants and correct evaluation of driving abilities, keeping a safe distance, following traffic rules and speed limits as well as understanding pedestrian safety. The training will be held at the road safety training hall and will be managed by United Way Mumbai. It had set up the city’s first two-wheeler simulator in Andheri RTO in 2018. 

The initiative was flagged off at the Mumbai Central RTO in the presence of Avinash Dhakne, (IAS), Transport Commissioner, Maharashtra, and Jitendra Patil, Dy. Transport Commissioner & In-charge- Jt. Commissioner Roads Safety Cell, Bharat Kalaskar, Regional Transport Officer - RTO Mumbai Central, Prakash Jadhav, Dy RTO- RTO Mumbai Central, Representatives from UPS India, as well as the CEO of United Way Mumbai, George Aikara.

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