On Sunday, the Patri Pool bridge at Kalyan was demolished after the bridge was found hazardous. Following IIT-Bombay’s advice, soon the Carnac bridge will also be demolished but currently, the bridge is being shut down for vehicular traffic. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has written a letter to the Railways to shut the route between CSTM and Masjid Bunder, as the bridge has become time-worn.
Accordingly, Central Railway, IIT-Bombay, BMC officials inspected the bridge. After which, they decided that the part of bridge passing over the railway track needed to be demolished.
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Meanwhile, the old bridge will be shut down for heavy vehicles whereas light vehicles will still be allowed to pass through the bridge. However, BMC has strictly advised the Railways to demolish the bridge and thus, the institution will also shut the transport for light vehicles.
As the bridge is demolished, it is also vital that the civic body provides the residents with another option to travel. Earlier, the 135-year-old Hancock Bridge was demolished but the residents and commuters were left devoid of options to the route which put them in a dilemma.