With corruption allegations made against Maharashtra Social Justice Minister Rajkumar Badole, Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) clean and a corruption-free image is in question yet again. On Friday afternoon, a man name Arun Niture got into a scuffle with Badole’s Personal Assistant (P.A.) at Mantralaya.
Niture, who came from Osmanabad, alleged that he gave ₹10 lakh bribe to Badole’s P.A. regarding some work. Despite taking the money, Badole’s P.A. did not do the same. However, CM Fadnavis and Badole both have rejected these claim. CM has said that there is no corruption in the state government and the Niture’s claims are false.
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Earlier in 2002, Niture started a school – Kendriya Ashram School - in Osmanabad district. For his school to be recognised by the state, he has been visiting Mantralaya for the past three years. Despite all this, there has been no progress in this matter. Niture further claimed that Badole’s P.A. took a bribe of ₹10 lakh for the same.
There was no fight or any scuffle in my office and Niture’s claims are baseless. Before making these allegations, Arun Niture should examine his mental condition,” asserted BJP leader Rajkumar Badole while rejecting Niture’s claims.
The recognition for Niture’s school was pending since 2009 and the central government is the final authority to grant financial help for the same. There are 322 similar Ashram schools for Schedule Tribes and to provide them with grants is under process. However, these applications for recognition were filed during UPA government and we are paying for their mistakes,” the minister further said.
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BJP government in Maharashtra is already under the radar for Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) Land Case, Chikki Scam and other. With this charge of its minister taking a bribe, ahead of Maharashtra Assembly polls, it can cause trouble for the administration.