Mumbai- Mumbai police constable has made allegations of corruption in the traffic department. Earlier Sunil Toke himself was in traffic department, he has alleged that the traffic department uses corrupt practises in various ways.He said that when he complained about this to his superiors no actions was taken.
Constable Toke approached Bombay High Court and filed a PILon this matter, the hearing for which is on 23rd January.Sunil Toke also said that he is also facing departmental pressure for this.He said that he once fined his own son for violating traffic rules, so how can he let his department continue with corrupt practises. Sunil Toke is currently deployed in Mumbai police Arms Department.
According to Toke, when he was in traffic department once he was not keeping well, he asked his superiors to deploy him near his house, for that he was unlawfully asked for 40,000 Rs by his superiors. and when he complained about this, he was bullied by his superiors.
From then he started recording his department's corruption and has managed to gather a strong evidence against the corrupt department. On the basis of the facts and evidence presented by constable Toke Bombay High Court has filed a public interest litigation against Mumbai Traffic Department.
According to Toke Mumbai Traffic Department is full of Corruption, where the superiors force the heirarchy to take bribe, a rate card of traffic police is fixed and in every traffic police station 2 constables are appointed to take bribe and the accumulated money is divided from the officials to constables.
Sunil Toke has mentioned details of the corrupt officers and their modus operandi.
A big amount of Rs 40,000 - 50,000 is taken as bribe for allowing illegal parking to the big corporate houses and companies.
For issuing permission to shoot TV serial, ads on road, 50 thousand to 1 lakh.
3 - 4 thousand Rs is taken from overloading vehicles and thus there are many more points mentioned in the petition filed by constable Sunil Toke.