
Why did the pilot crash-land?

Why did the pilot crash-land?

Mumbai - The directors of Helicopter Joy Ride are themselves confused about the decision of the pilot who crash landed the chopper at Aarey Colony where a large number of local residents are flocking to see the remains of this ill-fated chopper. Rajendra Johari of Aman Aviation who was at the spot raised some basic concerns in this regard. “If the clutch system does not function as per the Standard Operating Procedure, a lamp indicates that a circuit break needs to be pulled. The pilot would have received a message ‘Land as soon as practicable’ instead of ‘land as soon as possible’. The pilot would have had the option to fly till he finds the right place for landing. The chopper was not on autorotation mode. It means the helicopter could have been landed at the field where children were playing cricket. But pilot Capt. Mishra handled the situation very boldly and his efforts are liable to be honoured,” said Johari. Meanwhile, he also stated that the joy ride will soon be started in next two days.

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